About us
Agnieszka, Maciek and Irena Ekkert, Lodz 2012
Maciek Nabrdalik is a Warsaw-based documentary photographer whose primary focus is on sociological changes in Eastern Europe. Member of the VII Photo (www.viiphoto.com).
His work has been published and exhibited internationally and he is a regular contributor to The New York Times.
Maciek’s awards include honors from World Press Photo , Pictures of the Year International (2011, 2013, 2017), NPPA The Best of Photojournalism (2010, 2011, 2012) and multiple awards in his native Poland.
Author of three books. His project on German Nazi camp survivors worldwide was published as The Irreversible in 2013. Reprinted in 2014 for Educational purposes;
Homesick, that summarizes his long-term project chronicling the consequences of Chernobyl disaster was published in 2016. In January 2018, OUT, Nabrdalik’s latest book, portraying Polish LGBTQ community was published in the USA by The New Press.
Nieman Fellow at Harvard University 2016/2017.
Member of Press Club Poland and of The Union of Polish Art Photographers.
Global Canon Ambassador.
Agnieszka Kulawiak
She graduated in Philosophy and Sociology from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland. After moving to Warsaw, she began working as a journalist. She was a staff writer for daily and weekly press, readily contributing reportage from Poland and other countries of the Eastern Bloc.
The project on the concentration camp survivors turned out to be her vocation. “It was a subject that absorbed me completely. For me, it could go on forever. Unfortunately, its participants are passing away and now our main task is not to come too late.”
Her second book Dzisiaj rozmawiamy o Pani (Today we are talking about you) was published by Wydawnictwo Literackie in 2017.